(Photo: Tom Tunner)

Tom Tunner traveled from Colorado to the Nevada desert in order to attend the annual arts-and-acting-out bachannalia in the desert that is Burning Man. He otherwise serves as our accountant, but we asked him to let us know what it felt and looked like. Here is his report.
Burning Man is one of the most intense and harshest, but amazing experiences you could ever have in your life. We had almost perfect weather this year with only one big windstorm and mild temperatures, and on the Playa wind, rain, and hot or cold temps make life difficult fast.
(Photo: Tom Tunner)

It’s a playground for adults where you can do all the things your mother told you not to, like climb a stack of shish kebabbed cars to a bar at the top, play dodgeball on trampolines, and fight in Thunderdome. If you want to, you can stay up all night partying in the deep Playa on an art car or 747, or you can see world-class musicians and DJs play for free, or take a naked bike ride barhopping with 700 of your closest friends.
At night, the lights and colors make the Vegas strip look like child’s play. Every car is an art car, half shooting fire, while most people are on bikes or walking. And every bike is decorated and lit up with flashing colors, while every person is wearing costumes and lit up with flashing colors.
People say it’s impossible to describe Burning Man to someone who’s never been there and they’re right. I’ve only scratched the surface here. See just some of the sights in this slideshow.
— Tom Tunner