
How Military Service Changes Lives with Rob Newson

How Military Service Changes Lives with Rob Newson

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How Military Service Changes Lives with Rob Newson

Behind the barbecues and pool parties that celebrate the Fourth of July is the remembrance of those who gave their lives in defense of this country. To honor the occasion, Power & Impact is presenting a special military-focused episode.

To share perspectives on the men and women in uniform, we’re sitting down this week with Rob Newson. Rob has had a highly accomplished military career as a U.S. Navy SEAL and as the Deputy Director/Director of the White House Military Office, and later became VP of Strategy and Vision for the Philadelphia 76ers.

Today, Rob has taken his years of leadership expertise to his current passion as an anti-cancer catalyst for Cancer in the Military.  Rare, terminal cancers and chronic medical conditions are plaguing young, otherwise healthy, top performers of our nation’s military following service during the post-9/11 era.  Rob’s objective is to create a national anti-cancer swarm focused on cancer within the veteran community.

We cover a wide variety of topics, including how military life shaped Rob as an individual, the issues many veterans are facing with cancer brought on by duty-related toxic exposure, and dive into current events such as the war in Ukraine.

Rob’s dedication to service, both in his military career and as a civilian, inspires us greatly. It was an honor to sit down with him and get to know him better.

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