
Why Mentorship Matters with Illana Raia

Why Mentorship Matters with Illana Raia

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Why Mentorship Matters with Illana Raia

Can finding the right mentor at the right time make all the difference for young women? If you were to ask Illana Raia, she’d say yes.

Studies have shown that girls’ confidence drops between ages 8 and 14, and many girls start to quit their hobbies and interests before they get to high school.

To counter this, Illana Raia founded Être Girls, a company whose mission is to keep girls close to what they love by offering curated free resources and inspiring female role models right when they need them.

In today’s episode, Illana shares all about Etre Girls, how her daughter was the inspiration behind it all, and how mentorship changes the lives of so many young women.

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