Warby Parker has used tech tools to shake up the eyewear industry, making high quality glasses available to consumers for a fraction of what they used to pay. Meanwhile, insurgent carmaker Tesla is changing the way people think about driving, but has run into regulatory roadblocks in its attempt to subvert traditional distribution models. At the recent Venture for America Summer Celebration, we asked Warby Parker co-founder David Gilboa for his thoughts on Tesla and its founder Elon Musk. Unsurprisingly, Gilboa is a fan. “[Musk] is one of the most brilliant thinkers alive, and one of the biggest thinkers alive,” he said. While Gilboa’s company hasn’t run into the regulatory issues Tesla has, he believes that regulation should never undermine innovation. “The best value to the consumer is going to win,” said Gilboa. “The way to compete with that is not regulatory means; it’s by producing a product that’s even better.”