Illustration by Clara Kirkpatrick
Illustration by Clara Kirkpatrick

And so another year ends–with stunning speed and with surprising and slightly disturbing warmth here in New York. Techonomy wishes you happy and merry and a new year of continued optimism, despite the mood of the moment.
We published our magazine recently. Here are some thoughts from our short opening note, worth keeping in mind as a new year dawns amidst escalating short-sighted rhetoric and much distraction:
What motivates us at Techonomy? Why is what we do uniquely necessary, when every magazine has a conference and every journalist seems to want to write about tech? Because despite all the febrile hype about startups, unicorns, billionaires, IPOs, and iPhones, we all need more understanding about what life really can be like in a tech-driven future.
We see business as Earth’s best hope for progress. But nearly every company is struggling to accommodate today’s realities–headlong industrial transformation, with established businesses paralyzed by the need to change even as many startups seem focused only on a quick hit.
Our moment is one of too much fear and not enough hope and confidence in the capacity of mankind, empowered by tech, to accomplish miraculous feats. With a planet straining at the seams, with five billion people still dramatically deprived compared to the affluent few, the prospects are not good unless we step up our game. At Techonomy we know tech can unite us, enlighten us, and help us all live longer, happier, friendlier, more hopeful lives. That is what gets us up in the morning.
We want to help more people develop faith that a better world is possible. We all need to focus harder on how tech, and our own commitment, can help achieve it.