In advance of Techonomy 2018, we asked our speakers crucial questions that frame our upcoming flagship event. Request your invite to join us this November in Half Moon Bay, CA. 

Q: How big of a responsibility does business have to make the world more equitable?

At Salesforce, we believe that the business of business is to make the world a better place. Our higher purpose is to drive equality for all, and we’ve made equality one of our core values. We’re taking action to drive equality in our company and our communities to ensure equal rights, equal pay for equal work, equal access to education, and equal opportunities to succeed.
It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing. The new generations who are rising in the workforce expect companies to speak up for social change. In fact, a recent Deloitte study found 80 percent of millennials believe companies should engage in issues beyond their core business.

Q: What emerging technology can have the greatest positive impact on society?

We are living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution where emerging technologies are changing everything. From the way we communicate, live, work—and as we move toward this new world it’s important that we are bringing everybody along. As businesses, we have a responsibility to ensure that we are bridging—not widening equality gaps.
At Salesforce, we’re committed to increasing access and opportunities in tech to help the next generation be successful in the future workforce. For example, we offer an online learning platform, to empower anyone—no matter their education level or background—to learn the skills needed to land a top job in tech. We have also partnered to help people develop the technical skills needed to find great jobs. It’s open to youth, veterans and professionals looking to re-enter the workforce.


Q: What is the biggest issue that you worry is not getting enough attention?

I think it is easy to become focused on distinct employee resource groups and overlook allyship, a key part of creating #equalityforall.
At Salesforce, we’ve doubled-down on allyship to help employees stand up for underrepresented groups by asking, listening, showing up and speaking up. We’ve seen the community come together in a big way.
Read more about Tony Prophet here and discover the current conference program.