Techonomy 2013 is 11 days away, and as we prep speakers we’re getting excited. Those who join us outside Tucson will hear Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini explain how he’s building the “Intel Inside of healthcare.” Stewart Brand explores the ethos driving tech. Tim O’Reilly and Max Levchin delineate the coming world. Tony Hsieh talks about companies intersecting with cities, especially Zappos’ own Las Vegas. A 14-year-old explains Minecraft, and ZZ Ward plays her soulful music. That’s just the start.
We’ll discuss marketing’s future with Ford CMO Jim Farley, what clashing generations mean in the workplace, the future of American elections, tech’s impact on the evolution of cities, and how synthetic biology will affect life (literally). If it sounds jarringly diverse and multidisciplinary, thank you. That’s our intention.
We think to understand the world’s direction it takes an immersion in many facets of social and business transformation. Is the Internet For or Against You? We don’t know, at this point, but our session with that title should help us all figure it out. How does business look when it’s crowdsourced, collaborative and networked? Several sessions, including our opener, called Business Infinity (to the consternation of some), aim to find out. We like to say leaders must think like technologists, and the conference theme is “The Revolution Business.” The best technologists these days think like revolutionaries. Our agenda tells the whole story.