Constance DeCherney is a young marketer with a big new job–creating a special operation inside digital marketing expert iCrossing, hosting mini-summits to bring brands together with landscape-changing startups. Clients like Toyota get together with groups of what she calls, in this exclusive Techonomy video interview, “the boldest disruptors.” For that session one participant was Dash, which connects your car using a smartphone app for a social driving experience and to make driving more efficient.
While marketers and brands in the past routinely convened with ad and marketing experts to help think through challenges, today they must include startups and tech companies, says DeCherney. In the end, much of what the Collaboratory’s sessions come up with is content. While she wants companies to be more comfortable with inevitable business disruptions, one thing she’s sure of is that consumers don’t want to be disrupted during their day-to-day online experience. The sessions help companies figure out how to improve consumers’ experience, wherever they are.
To watch an extended version of this interview, click here.