EventsSalons + Discussions

TUESDAY at WEF: Techonomy Climate

Salons + Discussions

TUESDAY at WEF: Techonomy Climate

May 24, 2022 2:30 pm Salesforce Chalet

The world faces a grave climate crisis, but innovation is rising to the challenge in myriad ways. In this in-person program on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, Techonomy gathered innovators and business leaders who are passionate about climate action and believers in the power of technology to combat global warming and reduce greenhouse gasses.

On Tuesday, May 24th, 2:30 – 4:00pm, we heard from serial entrepreneur Bill Gross of Idealab, who two decades ago turned his primary focus from the internet to the climate crisis. Bill will explain why the ongoing power of Moore’s Law is key to climate action.

Bill were joined by Carbon Capture CEO Adrian Coreless, a veteran cleantech industry executive, as well as additional sustainability and climate tech experts for an engaging dialogue about how tech can solve the climate crisis.


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