
Seth Godin

Seth Godin

The Carbon Almanac

Godin is an ex-marketing guru and entrepreneur turned vocal climate crisis activist. His first venture was a book packaging business he founded in 1986 followed by Yoyodyne, a marketing company he started with Mark Hurst in 1995. While managing Yoyodyne, Godin published a marketing how-to work entitled, “Permission marketing: Turning strangers into friends and friends into customers.” After selling Yoyodyne to Yahoo! In 1998, Godin has focused on being an author through his Do You Zoom company which he started in 2000, and most recently a founding editor of the Carbon Almanac.

Why They Made the Worthy 100: Though he’s authored dozens of books, Godin’s latest work, The Carbon Almanac: It’s Not Too Late, has become this year’s seminal work on describing the state of the climate crisis and how we still have time change that dismal future. You can buy the book and access related extras like speaking dates and podcasts here.

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