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Worth @: SXSW with William Ury

Worth @: SXSW with William Ury

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Dan Cost with William Ury - Author of Possible: How We Survive and Thrive in an Age of Conflict

Dan Costa of Worth Media Group interviews William Ury, at SXSW 2024. In the interview, Ury discussed his book Possible: How We Survive and Thrive in an Age of Conflict. Ury, a best-selling author and Harvard negotiator, shared insights from his nearly 50 years of experience transforming tough conflicts in various settings, from the halls of power to business and family disputes.

Ury explained that conflict is increasing all around us, threatening everything we value - from our families to our democracy to our workplaces to our world. To survive and thrive in this age of conflict, Ury revealed the secrets he has learned for turning toxic confrontation into constructive, creative collaboration. Overall, Ury's insights from the interview aimed to equip people with the tools and mindset needed to navigate the rising tide of conflict in our personal and professional lives.

Worth @: is an ongoing video series created and produced by Worth Media featuring a series of discussions at key events revolving around diverse topics such as film, music, art, lifestyle, climate innovation, sports, and finance. These events provide Worth the opportunity to showcase conversations with influential leaders, visionaries, creators, and industry giants, exploring the intricate interplay between business, finance, innovation, and societal impact. Our featured guests share valuable insights into the missions and future aspirations inline with our “Worth beyond Wealth” mantra.

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