
Make Everything Interactive

Make Everything Interactive

A conversation with Mike Lynch of Autonomy. Read a summary of the discussion below.
The whole IT industry is built on concept of the database, but the reality is that as humans we don’t use that stuff. We use human information--text, social media, video, audio. Now computers are able to understand that and extract meaning from it. A smart phone camera can continually look at stuff and recognize up to about half a million man-made objects without you doing anything. We’re all carrying sophisticated devices that can see and hear and know where they are. Couple that with the idea of swarms of sensors, which I think is also coming. We’re going to have an interesting conflation of the aspirational and the real. You can go anywhere in the world and create virtual objects and make them interactive. People can set up their own view of cities as a new way of dealing with information. So you can imagine everything - every object, every product - becomes interactive.


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