After confronting his daughter’s alcohol and drug addiction, and supporting her through a torturous recovery, healthcare entrepreneur Peter Loeb wanted to help others who struggle with addiction. With his daughter, Loeb launched Lionrock Recovery, a two-year-old startup that uses secure videoconferencing technology to help addicts free themselves of chemical dependency.
While the service doesn’t aim to replace medical rehabilitation, reports SmartPlanet, “it offers a lifeline for addicts who might not otherwise have access to outpatient services either because they live in a remote location or are reluctant to seek treatment in a public venue.” With 28 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur in financial services, entertainment, and interactive media, Loeb describes Lionrock as a labor of love that is his revenge against addiction. And while the company’s implementation of tech is novel, its counselors follow guidelines adopted by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Agency, offering treatment regimes of 36 or 14 hours per month.