The Geometry of Wealth: How to Shape a Life of Money and Meaning

The Geometry of Wealth: How to Shape a Life of Money and Meaning

By Brian Portnoy

A book that’s about living a rich life—and what that really means anyway.

Worth has never been a magazine devoted to the accumulation of financial wealth in a vacuum. Yes, we want people to do well financially, and to help them get there. But central to Worth’s DNA is the idea that money isn’t an end in itself so much as a means to an end—a life of purpose and meaning.

So Brian Portnoy’s new book, his second, is right up our alley. The head of education at Magnetar Capital, Portnoy thinks a lot about how to help investors make smart decisions that help them shape the lives they really want. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he helps clients figure out what life they really want.

The Geometry of Wealth is an exploration of these themes that blends financial wisdom with challenging thinking about what constitutes happiness. “What are the touchstones of a meaningful life, and are they affordable?” Portnoy asks. It always surprises me how many people don’t really think about these questions, because they shape—or should shape—virtually every financial decision you make. You have to understand what really makes you happy in order to make realistic financial decisions that will help you get there. Or, as Portnoy puts it, “wealth is funded contentment.” This book will help you get there. Published by Harriman House

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