
Shawn P. Landau

Shawn P. Landau

With decades of advisory and investment experience, the team partners—Jeffrey S. Gerson, managing director, family wealth director, director of sports and entertainment and senior portfolio management director (30 years of investment experience); Christopher Guarino, senior vice president and senior portfolio management director (25 years of investment experience); Gregory Meisel, senior vice president, sports and entertainment director, senior portfolio management director and family wealth advisor (19 years of investment experience); Shawn P. Landau, CFP®, senior vice president and family wealth director (17 years of investment experience); and Michael Gammarati, CFP®, vice president and senior portfolio manager (12 years of investment experience)—help their clients achieve their most meaningful financial goals. Through an uncompromising commitment to delivering intellectual strength, quality advice and personalized attention, the Gerson, Guarino & Meisel Group provides an intensely personal experience to high net worth individuals and their families, corporations and charitable institutions.

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