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Morgan Yakus

Morgan Yakus

Active Meditation Teacher, Modern Hypnotist and Wellness Expert, Human Cartography

Morgan Yakus, is a 20 year fashion veteran and former owner of No.6 store in New York’s Little Italy, she experienced everything she wanted to do before leaving fashion, including styling Lauryn Hill’s for her Miss Education Tour, PR for Gucci and designing and curating vintage inspiration for many influential designers. Her natural departure from fashion gave way to her truest calling as a Human Cartographer and bicoastal wellness expert who works with clients around the world, facilitating active meditation, modern integrative hypnosis and teaching NLP techniques one to one, on retreats, in companies and with large groups, helping clients map and design the life they desire. Her training is rooted in NLP, modern hypnosis techniques which are based on neuroscience. She has been listed top five practitioners by VOGUE to the fashion world. She had the honor of being certified in past life regression with Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives Many Masters). Morgan has hosted and spoken and taught at events in the U.S. and all over Europe, In Goop Health Conference, SXSW Wellness as well as held a monthly residency at the Soho House among others. With this work she has created hypnotic art experiences at The Sound Thought Festival in Glasgow, Scotland, Obonjan Island, Croatia and held a healing residency at the Ace Hotel in New York & CAP Beauty. Morgan has written for and has been featured in publications such as VOGUE, Elle UK, GOOP, French Glamour, Dutch VOGUE, Man Repeller, Well + Good, Mind Body Green, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Free + Native and more.

Morgan Yakus’s practice as a Human Cartography coach focuses on and is dedicated to supporting clients in shifting unwanted patterns, teaching tools they can use every day to help retrain the brain and improve their lives. Some of her techniques include self hypnosis, active meditation, NLP and pattern interruption; these tools help to quickly alleviate stress and blocks they may be experiencing. She works with the client to map out unwanted patterns and make changes through neuroplasticity, the clients’ ability to create lasting change in the brain. Dispelling negative patterns and transform them into solutions creating more options and expansion for the client. Through her quick consciousness hacking techniques, clients eventually find themselves living in a new pattern, which is further strengthened as they have they then have the tools to consciously work in tandem to change their thinking around a particular issue. Resulting in more focus, creativity, productivity, energy, confidence and more. Supporting the client in designing the present and future experience they desire.

 Instagram: @mind__waves

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