
Andrew Rasiej

Andrew Rasiej

Founder and Publisher, Personal Democracy Forum

Andrew Rasiej is a civic and social entrepreneur, technology strategist, and Founder of Personal Democracy Media, which produces Personal Democracy Forum and other events about intersection of technology and politics,. Among its offerings are an award winning news outlet. He is the Founder of which focuses on 21st century public education, Co-Founder of, which translates Arabic and Farsi news and opinion pieces into English, and Senior Technology Advisor to the Sunlight Foundation a Washington DC organization using technology to make government more transparent. Andrew is the Chairman of the NY Tech Meetup, a 40,000-member organization of technologists, venture funders, marketers, representing start up and more mature companies using technology to transform themselves, New York City, and the world. Andrew coined such terms as: We-Government, Voter-Generated Content, and Videracy, to help describe our expanding digitally connected world. In 2005 Andrew ran a highly visible campaign for NYC Public Advocate on a technology and innovation driven platform to redesign the office as a network, bring low cost broadband to undeserved communities, and open up access to city controlled public data.

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